Название товара и с характеристикой
- Количество товара: Х - На сумму: ХХ
The Stage's Invisible Thread. Very Strong.
The Stage's Invisible Thread. Very Strong. 5 pcs.
The Stage's Invisible Thread. Very Strong. 10 pcs.
The Stage's Invisible Thread
The Stage's Invisible Thread 5 pcs.
The Stage's Invisible Thread 10 pcs.
Confetti WHITE Light - 1 pack
Extra rubber rings for Instant Ring
Extra set for Airborne Real Bottle 2.0
Extra Flying Glass for Airborne Real Bottle 2.0
Extra Normal Glass for Airborne Real Bottle 2.0
Confetti SILVER Light - 1 pack
Сonfetti GREEN Light - 1 pack
Сonfetti RED Light - 1 pack
Extra Spool for The Phantom Hand
Smoke liquid - 1bottle